Milan Kundera asked in his fabulously inconclusive novel Immortality:
"Does love for art really exist and has it ever existed? Is it not a delusion? When Lenin proclaimed that he loved Beethoven's Appassionato, above all else, what was it that he really loved? What did he hear? Music? Or a majestic noise that reminded him of the solemn stirrings in his soul, a longing for blood, brotherhood, executions, justice, and the absolute? Did he derive joy from the tones, or from the musings stimulated by those tones, which had nothing to do with art or with beauty?"
His question, long forgotten, popped right back in my mind when I see this clip...
His question, long forgotten, popped right back in my mind when I see this clip...
That's possibly the worst song I've ever heard. It's impossible to appreciate it exclusively for its musical value...