‘Yaz’ olmalı idi ilk söylenen, ‘oku’ değil. Biz tanrısı değil miyiz bilincimizin? Bizim beynimiz değil mi her suçu unutan? Biz değil miyiz ki her düşünceyi çarpıtan? Yazmalıyız ki sözümüz kök salsın, yazmalıyız ki değişen anlamların geri dönebileceği, yeniden başlayabileceği bir evi olsun. Yazmalıyız ki, suçlarımız ve suçluluklarımız ve hatalarımız yüzümüze çarpılabilsin. Bu değil midir hayatımızın anlamı?

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Apr 30, 2008
The "Lessig Style"
Larry Lessig of Stanford University is neither an anthropologist, nor a scientist. He is, of all occupations, a lawyer. Yet, he is a very interesting lecturer. His presentation style, now known as the "Lessig Style," seems to influence people's way of presenting their ideas. Here is a recent commentary by a physicist on presenting "Lessig Style." As for me, I find some of the elements, such as using single quotes or buzz-words on a single slide very helpful to emphasize a point, and rejuvenate the attention of the listeners.
Apr 25, 2008
The power of the Music
Milan Kundera asked in his fabulously inconclusive novel Immortality:
"Does love for art really exist and has it ever existed? Is it not a delusion? When Lenin proclaimed that he loved Beethoven's Appassionato, above all else, what was it that he really loved? What did he hear? Music? Or a majestic noise that reminded him of the solemn stirrings in his soul, a longing for blood, brotherhood, executions, justice, and the absolute? Did he derive joy from the tones, or from the musings stimulated by those tones, which had nothing to do with art or with beauty?"
His question, long forgotten, popped right back in my mind when I see this clip...
His question, long forgotten, popped right back in my mind when I see this clip...
Apr 10, 2008
Zaman Makinesi
Radikal İki'de Türkiye'de bulunan ilk Homo erectus ile ilgili bir yazım çıktı bilginize.
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